Monday Morning, March 19

1) Last night's dinner went OK. Really interesting questions. Sometimes I can't stop myself from being more of a comedian than I need to be. #flaws

2) Today's Shakespearean insult seems tailormade for a Certain World Leader: "None but libertines delight in him; and the commendation is not in his wit, but in his villainy." [emphasis mine] - Much Ado About Nothing

3) Another sun-bright, bitter cold day featuring (among other things) the plume of steam atop the BU Law School across the river, a bacon breakfast burrito, and the constant battle with the office thermostat.

Friday Morning, March 16

1) Yesterday might best be described as "So many carbohydrates, so little time." Om nom nom.

2) I will certainly need to get my Oscar Wilde Memorial Green Carnation today for Saint Patrick's Day tomorrow.

2a) When that LGBT group was rejected earlier this month by the Staten Island group planning their Saint Patrick's Day Parade, they should've rebranded as an Oscar Wilde Appreciation Society. After all, the parade organizer was quoted saying "Our parade is for Irish heritage and culture. It is not a political or sexual identification parade." And Wilde is undeniably one of the great Irish writers!

3) This morning's reading from Gracian's The Art of Worldly Wisdom included "No one looks directly at the sun, but everyone does when it is eclipsed. The vulgar will fasten upon your one failing rather than on your many successes." And how true that is!

Thursday Morning, Ides of March, 2018

1) Oldest Nephew Who Must Not Be Tagged gave me last Christmas a daily calendar of Shakespearean insults. It's been a big hit with me; I keep it at the office. The insults for Presidents Day and International Women's Day pulled no punches! (But I didn't save them, so don't ask what they were.) So I expected something good for the Ides of March, and instead got this from The Two Gentlemen of Verona: "How now, you whoreson peasant! Where you have been these two days loitering?" Which is rather off topic when considering regicide.

2) A nap + (1.5 manhattans + 1 plate of the spaghettini alfredo special + 2 chapters of The Colony: Portrait of a Restaurant) + Glenn Miller's "Moonlight Serenade" on repeat + online solitaire = last night

3) This winter we seem to be accumulating snow the way I tan in the summer: burn and fade, burn and fade, resulting in freckles and sunspots.

Tuesday Morning, March 13 - SNOW DAY!

1) Ye Instytytte proactively announced yesterday that it would be closed today due to the latest nor'easter. Grateful for a day in my home. Just after 9 AM, the frosting is visibly thicker on the trees I see from my parlor window.

2) I wasn't going to read the news today, but sweet mercy goodness, one look at the Times and the sh*tsh*w that is our kakistocracy -- today it's a car crash I don't want to see, but from which I can't look away.

3) One year ago today we had a blizzard and a snow day - and it was the office's first-in-a-long-time 24-hour giving challenge. This year at least the giving challenge is tomorrow!

Monday Morning, March 12

1) Mercy goodness, it looks like we have another nor'easter coming Tuesday night, and people are just losing their minds. PEOPLE! We got through the winter of 2015, and we will get through this! Calm yourselves down and go stock up on French toast ingredients. Don't forget the cinnamon and vanilla.

1a) Interestingly, Tuesday afternoon I'm supposed to have a meeting with my oldest reunion committee at the office. I rather think we should reschedule.

2) This morning's devotional included a reading from How to Manage Your Day-to-Day about managing one's use of social media; the phrase "logging on with intention" somehow was the most important thing. And later I fully recognized that the only reason I logged onto ye Fycebykke was to post an opinion piece from the Times that I found meaningful.

3) I stand at the threshold of a new week not yet clear where it will take me. What's most present is the completion of projects over the last three days, not anticipation of work yet to be done - or indeed, of opportunities not yet clear or contemplated. Well, except snow shoveling. Let's see where it goes!

Sunday Night, March 11 - the Weekend Ends

Aside from the adventure of speaking at the WGBH Masquerade, it was an active weekend:

1) Saturday I was very surprised to run into a colleague twice: first on the platform at Green Station, and later outside Doyle's (!) at midday.

2) With my new presciption in my hands, it was off to Wahby Pahkah for new glasses at last. Madly, impetuously, I ended up getting three pairs, including sunglasses. Rejoicing that they still had my current frames.

3) Friends were quite right; I have very much enjoyed the podcast You Must Remember This. And I would love for Carina Longworth to do an episode on all the films made in 1939 by the cast of Gone With the Wind. Among others there's Stagecoach, The Rains Came, These Glamour Girls, Each Dawn I Die, The Women, The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, and dozens and dozens more.

4) It's so valuable for me to have an unscheduled day in which to accomplish things.

Friday Night, March 9

1) Feelin' good having completed three important projects today: tomorrow night's presentation (whew!), the first draft of a project for work, and submission of an award nomination (also for work).

2) There is nothing like finding out 15 minutes into your lunch at your desk that you have a lunch appointment across campus in 15 minutes. But I made it!

3) Feeling really depleted, and eager for a solid night's sleep before a creative weekend.

Friday, March 9 - One Year Later

1) One year ago today I started this personal blog, This Is Robert Talking (and later This Is Robert Talking - the Dark Side of Etiquetteer), as a reaction to my increasing frustration with ye Fycebykke. It's interesting to see how my three-part status updates have become less brief (and less witty) and become more "This is what my day was like." Overall, though, it's been a good change for me . . . even though I can't bring myself to leave ye Fycebykke altogether, as a friend just did. If only there was another social media platform where we could all go and be happy together without having our content curated and managed and organized for us (and inflitrated by ads) . . . once I'd hoped that would be Ello, but that just turned into another way to see pretty pictures, and after they were overrun with Russian sexbots last year I left.

1a) All that said, right now I'm engaged in two different threads on ye Fycebykke that remind me how valuable it is to see thoughtful and respectful debate among people from opposite sides of the issue at hand. I am truly grateful to learn more from the people I know.

2) A late night at the office saw me home at 10:30ish and falling into bed like a stone about 11. Four hours later I woke from heavy sleep feeling as though my jaw was clamped shut and my shoulders and upper back carved from granite. I finally had to get out of bed, take two ibuprofen, and stand under a shower head set to Obliterate for 20 minutes to relax. Back in bed, I was thinking, "What on earth could have made this happen?" And then I remembered shoveling half of our long sidewalk yesterday morning . . .

3) Cathleen Calvert: "And then . . .  and then he refused to marry her!"

Scarlett: [whispers in her ear.]

Cathleen: [looks knowingly] "No, but she was ruined just the same."

Three Important Points

1) San Francisco has no Shubert Theatre.

2) I saw you and heard you through the dressing room door.

3) I had lunch with Karen not three hours ago.

Wednesday Midday, March 7 - New England Weather Edition

1) As I said to someone somewhere in the office today, "We live in New England, and we need to handle the weather like New Englanders." All this kerfuffle about what appears to be a routine winter storm. It's winter in New England, and this is what happens, people.

2) I'm the first to admit I'm a sucker for a waltz (even though I can't dance), so it's unsurprising that my latest musical obsession is the finale and end credits of Oscar Strauss's Ein Walzertraum. (Skip ahead to 02:45.) Really, I don't see why we shouldn't ride out this winter storm in the Oval Room at the Costly Plaza with plenty of champagne, smoked salmon sandwiches, raspberry tarts, and madeleines with a café concert orchestra winding out waltz after waltz. 

3) A Nauset clam shack is about to be claimed by the Atlantic, just as Henry Beston's Outermost House was during the Blizzard of 1978, and all I can think of is that Bible verse that includes "Build not your house upon the sand."

Tuesday Evening, March 6

Next mood swing in ____ hours:

1) After the kind of day when everyone wants to talk to you in the middle of three urgent tasks, the giddy excitement of having to DROP EVERYTHING to share with volunteers that reunion registration was open for them. Every year this is fun, but this year - I don't know why - I felt a little carried away getting the word out fast, and watching eagerly to see who was getting in first.

2) Reading the news tonight after dinner, I want to be optimistic about the future. I want to be, but I'm not.

3) Back to the Eighties with Anita Baker's Same Ole Love.

Sunday Night, March 4

1) Mercy goodness, I know the Oscars are on tonight, and I just can't bring myself.

2) My second floor neighbors, who are moving at the end of the month, held their farewell open house this afternoon and were kind enough to include me in the invitation. Since this was a writing day, and since I knew I wouldn't know many people, I expected to stay about half an hour and then creep back downstairs to Get On With the Day. Imagine my surprise when I learned I'd been there three hours! Good conversation with a whole collection of parents I didn't know, and the new neighbors who will be moving in just before Easter, and of course the children everywhere: getting costumes out of a dress-up box, drinking juice boxes, marching in circles singing "Yellow Submarine." My mother loves little children, and she would have loved to see this collection.

2a) One couple I met for the first time have been living across the street for the last seven years in the home of an Old Friend of Mine. They had heard about the legendary jungle mural he'd painted in the bathroom (long since removed by the intervening owner), and they confirmed for me that his beautiful Venetian sconces are still there. After this nice conversation, how ironic to learn that they are moving away themselves later this spring!

3) So I didn't come close to completing everything on my list this weekend - I really do need an unscheduled day if I'm planning to write, but I couldn't miss this open house - but I still managed to get some good work done before 11 AM, and I still published a columni this evening. I feel good about that.

Saturday Morning, March 3

1) My thanks to all who expressed concern for my safety and welfare during yesterday's nor'easter. The worst I had to contend with was damp knees, soggy socks, the tenacious clangour of a neighbor's wind chimes, and the destruction of my umbrella at the top of the subway stairs by that rude drag queen Augusta Wynd. Out early this morning for a haircut, evidence of the Big Blow was mostly confined to a dead lawn umbrella from who knows where and the usual litter of small tree limbs.

2) I love the cloud-breaking revelation when connecting two roles with one character actor. This morning it was the realization that the old man on Clark Gable's rubber plantation in Red Dust ("If it was the summer of eighteen hundred and ninety-four, I'd play games with you, sister. But life is simpler now.") was also the angry old businessman negotiating with Wallace Beery in Grand Hotel. A couple weeks ago it was realizing that Gertrude the Viennese vendeuse in Vivien Leigh's dress shop in Dark Journey was also the grown-up daughter of the servants, now a successful cabaret star, in Noel Coward's Cavalcade.

2a) I recognize that I am the only person I know who cares about such things.

3) My hair now looks fabulous, and just in time for MFA Late Nites tonight!

Friday Midday, March 2

1) I said to a colleague this morning "It's storming outside and storming inside, but we have the power to tame the whirlwind!" Now, at only noon, I half-humorously respond to myself, "Uncle!"

1a) Yesterday I promised a volunteer that today her projects would my first priority. Well, man plans and God laughs. This morning's pace has been allegro con molto furioso bello mio anda getta you offa my lawn whargarbl.

1b) Everything is both important and urgent. Including having my lunch.

2) I found this piece about animosity politics interesting. It's a sad day when more people vote in order to vote against something or someone rather than to vote for something or someone. On the other hand, and I've said this before, I consider our current President a unique threat unlike any previous American leader. That would, therefore, have a unique impact on the 2016 election.

2a) That said, there are similarities to Huey Long, and I'll bet nobody took my advice to read Huey Long's Louisiana Hayride.

3) There's a guy I follow on Flickr who's a real gym rat, and will sometimes post photos of candy with the caption "Don't do it!" Sorry buddy, but chocolate may be the only thing to get me through today.