Tuesday Morning, September 10

1) Parlor coffee and devotional. This morning I began with Mother’s Interpreter’s Bible, in which I was directed to Timothy II. Among other verses, Mother had underlined 2:24-25: “A servant of our Lord must not quarrel, but be gentle to all men, apt at teaching and patient, So that he may discipline gently those who argue against him; and perhaps God will grant them repentance and they will know the truth.”

1a) This had added resonance for me today, having learned last night of an event put on by a Prominent Conservative Organization called Bring Your Bible to School Day. Now Freedom of Religion is one thing - a valuable freedom in a nation of freedoms - but carrying a Bible shouldn’t be the first, second, or even third way to identify yourself as a Christian. Aren’t Christians supposed to be easily recognized by their behavior? Doesn’t the hymn go “And they’ll know we are Christians by our love?”

1b) This also reminds me that Mother was fond of quoting “A soft answer turneth away wrath.”

2) Cushman Colonial rock maple.

3) At home today - the pest control people are coming midday - but then a Gibson House benefit committee tonight will bring me into town.