Saturday night, June 17

1) Luncheon at Mac's Café: lobster macaroni and cheese and pink champagne, and the best of friends.

2) Often I'll begin the summer by bringing in a bag of books to trade at Tim's Used Books. This year Tim took only one of the seven or eight volumes I brought in, which covered half the cost of the book I chose to take away, King Lehr by Elizabeth Drexel Lehr.

2a) As I took down a copy of one of Edward Garland's books about the North Shore, Tim said I could always find the snobbiest book in any section. "Of course!" I replied.

3) After a NAP and two strawberry ragamitas, we all went off to Ye Cryne Pynte for a lovely dinner: crab cakes and lamb chops for me. Conversation ranged from Barbara Stanwyck in Pretty Baby to politics to commuting habits.

BONUS: After dinner a promenade along Comical Street in the soft humidity. My search for B** and J****'s U**** B****** came to naught. The phrase "peculiar drifting ease" from Willa Cather's The Old Beauty came to mind. Gossip, glancing into store windows, happily on the periphery of any madness.