Saturday, May 27

This morning and early afternoon made up the extent of my holiday weekend, as 'm very much at the office preparing for the Most Wonderful Time of the Year otherwise:

1) Could not sleep later than 6 AM (I ask you . . .) but happily spent the morning writing the previous entry about archives, breakfasting, drinking coffee, washing three loads of laundry, and generally enjoying being at home.

2) Long anticipated, today I had my first haircut with a new barber, and I am overjoyed to have my hair back. The men whose appearance I seem to admire most are those with symmetrical, orderly hair. My (now former) barber started me on this fuzzy-bowling-ball-with-a-cowlick cut that is okay for Men Much Younger Than I, but has always left me feeling like "mutton dressed as lamb." Besides which, my hair just did not want to conform to that cut and would keep flopping about. Now I look appropriate for my age, stylish but not fashionable, and more put together.

2a) Because, as I've said before, let's face it: my hair is all I have. :-)

3) A slight but unmistakably present headache most of the day, which I ultimately attributed to not drinking enough water on Friday. Two years ago I went through one day of Reunions with a violent migraine, and I am determined never to do that again, even if I hydrate so much I have to sleep in the bathtub.