Thursday Morning, 30 November -- Portents

1) This morning’s devotional brought me to Luke 12:2-3 in Mother’s Lamsa Bible: “For there is nothing that is covered that will not be uncovered; and hidden that will not be known. For whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light; and what you have whispered in the ears in the inner chambers will be preached on the housetops.”

1a) I guess Kissinger learned that the hard way. One point made in his NYT obituary (which I read last night) was that he lived so very long that things he had written in confidence in Nixon’s day had become declassified.

1b) It is also a cautionary tale about how the internet is used, though that is surely not a new observation.

2) You may remember that a couple weeks back my order of Christmas cards had been stolen from my front porch when it was delivered in the middle of the night. Imagine my surprise finding it on the hall table yesterday afternoon — open and mangled! One of my neighbors found that way on the front porch yesterday. So the thieves, undoubtedly upset they hadn’t stolen technology, returned the box!

2a) But I notice that they returned it without the packing slip/invoice, so they may be retaining my personal information for further skulduggery. 😬

2b) Happily ye Vystypryntte had already replaced my order, so . . .

3) Finalmente, I have finished Red Orchestra, a sad, terrifying, but courageous story.