Monday Morning, Patriot's Day (Observed) 2019

1) Remember all those great Don’t Panic T-shirts from the 1990s? Remember the one that said “Next Mood Swing in 6 Minutes”? That’s my weekend! So excited yesterday finally to publish Etiquetteer’s review of Lizzie Post’s Higher Etiquette, then absolutely sunk observing that it didn’t get much internet exposure (and for other reasons). And now, back to feeling good after seeing that the author liked my tweet of the review. It’s a roller coaster over here!

2) Also reflected in this morning’s soundtrack, from Kellee Patterson’s “If It Don’t Fit, Don’t Force It” to Richard Tauber in Heart’s Delight singing Schumann.

3) During this morning’s devotional I looked out at the pelting rain and thought both of how tough it would be for everyone running (and viewing) the marathon, and also for the health and welfare of the just-blossomed star magnolia in front of the house. And now, a few hours later, the sun is out. Next mood swing in 6 minutes!