My Latest Musical Obsession Involves a Striptease

Because surfing through the Yewtybbe you never know what you’ll find, for the last week I have been enjoying Gloria Paul singing to “Your Goodwill Ambassador” in the Julie Andrews movie Darling Lili:

Sing along if so inclined:

Your-a goodweel ambassadeaur

Would like to kneau eef you're doeeeng oh-keh.

Your-a goodweel ambassadeaur

would like to feel yeau're eenjoyeeng your steh.

Eef yeau're cam ehnd placeed OR

You've got a red-hot desigheer to reaum

I want to get yew ahl to kneau Paree

For dere's a FSSST Paree

And dere's a slo-o-o-o-o-o-w Paree

Weeel do de whole beeg sex-ee potpourri

'Cahz babee Ieeem geaueeng to mek yew et 'eaume!

Actual English lyrics here.

This is Jule’s response in the movie:

Bring it, Julie!