Tuesday Morning, January 30

1) What does it say that, on the 28th anniversary of my first day of work at ye Instyttyte (yesterday), I was home sick?

1a) It's odd to think I've spent almost half my life at ye Instyttyte and to think of how it, and I, and life in the workplace in general, have changed. The IBM Selectric typewriter that was on my desk on my first day of work is long gone. We've grown in sophistication enough to stop entertaining in "the Soviet splendor of Lobby 13." And I really am the last man left who consistently wears a coat and tie . . . and even I am weakening in that area. (I knew 20 years ago that Casual Friday was the Thin End of the Wedge, and said so. And here we are, in a world where . . . whargarbl . . . and get off my lawn!

2) This morning, up at 5:15 AM after two three-hour blocks of sleep, candlelight coffee and devotional in the parlor, dining room breakfast, and now back in bed with more coffee to write for half an hour. Feeling much better.

3) Tonight, something completely different (for me) to continue starting the New Year: Postmodern Jukebox at the Wilbur! I could count on one hand the number of Concerts of This Sort I've attended in my life, and I'm really looking forward to this.