Friday, November 2

1) Yesterday evening: Heidseck, pizza, and leftover birthday cake with a friend.

2) “The season” used to be between Christmas and Lent, I think, but now it seems definitely to be between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. I feel like my season starts tonight ‘cause I’m going to dinner at L’Espalier (!) and tomorrow night I’ve been invited to a wedding celebration. Woohoo!

3) This house is not going to clean itself, which is really too bad.

All Saints Day, Midday, 2018

1) The scent of a person who does not like you.

2) Salmon quinoa.

3) Bohemian Rhapsody. Just saw the trailer yesterday. Freddie Mercury was never part of my musical life, but I think I’m going to have to see this movie.

3a) I think the last time I saw a movie in a cinema was last Thanksgiving when I saw the new Murder on the Orient Express. And now here it is almost Thanksgiving again, and I’m interested in a new movie.

Hallowe'en Morning, 2018

1) Last night I was VERY surprised to open a birthday present and find A THIRD WEEPING BABY PUMPKIN HEAD! Needless to say I included it in today’s Hallowe’en video. Its eyes are hollow, so I’m going to nickname it Stepford.

2) In my whole adult life I’ve never stayed home to give out candy. No idea why, but I’m not starting this year either.

3) I shall certainly wear my cape if the weather permits.

Tuesday Morning, October 30

1) Candlelight coffee and devotional in the parlor. C.S. Lewis makes me mad today. “When the event you pray for occurs, your prayer has always contributed to it. When the opposite event occurs, your prayer has never been ignored; it has been considered and refused, for your ultimate good and the good of the whole universe. (For example, because it is better for you and for everyone else in the long run that other people, including wicked ones, should exercise free will than that you should be protected from cruelty or treachery by turning the human race into automata.)” Dammit, I am still going to pray for the repentance of despots and tyrants!

2) Two months left of the year. My thoughts fly so many places this morning.

3) Ritual. Color. A progression of color. Coffee.

Monday Morning, October 22

1) Coffee in bed. I’ve been trying to keep the heat off until Hallowe’en, and it’s cold in here!

1a) A look at this week’s long-range forecast, though, indicates I need to turn on the heat this evening. Mercy goodness, a freeze warning is in effect right now!

2) Piriformis.

3) I have now reached the death of Prince Albert in Victoria the Queen. Subsequent generations of the medical profession have identified his symptoms as those of Crohn’s disease, which wasn’t identified until the early 20th century.

Friday, October 19

1) Today was the birthday of both my Grampa Dimmick and my loving cousin Susan. And I miss them both still.

2) A day of experiences: a) a man with a crutch (who may or may not have been drinking) fell flat on the sidewalk getting off the #1 bus, b) waiting for the campus shuttle and listening to an old lady yawping into her cell phone, I was surprised to recognize her as a colleague from almost 30 years ago, and c) coming home tonight I was very surprised to find someone sitting on our front steps smoking a cigarette. I greeted her "Good evening! Are you visiting some of the neighbors?" She replied "No, I'm just takin' a break." She said she lived up the street. I had never seen her before, and it was unclear what she was taking a break from. I told her "I'm sorry, but we don't keep the porch open for the public, and this is a non-smoking building. You'll have to leave." (I really was so taken aback - this has never happened - I hardly knew what to say.) And off she went in the direction of Washington Street.

3) I am for the moment very focused on this scene from The Devil Wears Prada: “And then call Natalie at Glorious Foods and tell her NO, for the 40th time, NO, I don’t want dacquoise, I want tortes filled with warm rhubarb compote.”

Wednesday, October 17

1) Frustrating communication day, as my personal email will not send outgoing mail because of some “syntactically invalid HELO argument(s),” whatever the hell that is. JUST SEND THE EMAILS!

1a) Opened a ticket with ye Lynyrpyges at 8:45 AM, and it is STILL open ten hours later.

2) This is one of those days when I have to wonder what on earth I’ve been doing my whole life.

3) I was given a copy of Stealing Rembrandts: The Untold Stories of Notorious Art Heists, which so far has been very interesting. So this puts me in the middle of three books simultaneously, including Victoria: A Life and White Trash.